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Content to raise awareness about the right to education – ECW Case

Birthday Videos for Customer Loyalty – Porvenir Case Study

Animated videos to protect our forests

We share cases about the results of projects carried out, project stories, achieved outcomes, and clients we have teamed up with.

Education Cannot Wait is an international fund of the United Nations, administered by UNICEF, to address education in emergencies and protracted crises.

In Colombia, ECW is implemented through the collaboration of multiple organizations working together.

This project aimed to showcase the impact of this collaborative effort on the lives of girls, boys, and adolescents benefiting from ECW initiatives in Colombia.

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The Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Developmen (Fundación para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible ) produced the collection of animated videos “We Are All Forest!” as part of the “United for the forests” (Unidos por los Bosques) project, aiming to help the audience easily understand the urgent need to know, value, and, above all, protect our forests from their main threat: deforestation.

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