Producing purposeful content that transcends is a constant motivation, and when we created “Choromandó” in 2018 after winning the Crea Digital competition organized by the Ministry of Culture and MinTIC (Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies), we had no idea of the doors it would open and the impact it would have.
Thanks to this adaptation of an Emberá community myth, written by Celso Román, with executive production by Ivonne Jiménez, illustrations by Dennis Quiñones, and a team of video production, motion graphics animation, voice-over in Spanish and Emberá language, mini-games, 360 videos, and an interactive experience, we were able to expand our range of services and immerse ourselves in the dynamics of new content formats in recent years.
Additionally, the “Computadores para Educar” (Computers for Education) program included “Choromandó: The Origin of the Great River” in thousands of computers across Colombia. Thousands of students had access to this story!
Now, we want to continue reaching more boys and girls in Colombia. That’s why we have designed a donation program for foundations. When we undertake an audiovisual, animation, or audio production project, we allocate a percentage of the profits to printing books and distributing them in physical format to more children, with a message of respect for diversity, knowledge of our ancestral cultures, and the importance of water and natural resources conservation.
Today, we are sharing images of the first book delivery and workshop of Choromandó at EDUCOL – Fundación Educar Colombia. EDUCOL aims to contribute in partnership with the government and society to restore the violated rights of population groups in situations of risk. They provide quality services that facilitate their inclusion in different contexts and generate social impact.
The book delivery and workshop conducted at EDUCOL were part of our efforts to reach more children and promote the values of diversity, ancestral cultures, and environmental conservation through the story of Choromandó. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with EDUCOL in their mission to restore rights and create a positive social impact.
We were also able to make donations to the Fundación Asociación Social y Familiar, which develops programs aimed at protecting and educating families, children, youth, and women, and to the Fundación Niños de Papel, which promotes and supports children, adolescents, and young people in situations of psychosocial risk and with violated rights, towards processes of social inclusion.
This has been made possible thanks to the clients who trust in our work and have allowed us to collaborate in producing their content:
Boxi Sleep
Colombia Games
DHL Supply Chain
Durman Costa Rica
Fundación para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible (FCDS)
Laboratorio Clínico Hematológico
Lemon Light
Novo Nordisk
Rebels Media
Team Toon
Universidad de los Andes

During the next year, we look forward to continuing this program, inspiring and empowering children and sharing stories that have a lasting impact.